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A note on managers

Leading and managing people is hard work. When done well, it draws energy from every aspect of yourself: self-regulation, communication, patience, compassion, humility, intentionality and reflection. Before I was ever responsible for people I wondered what, exactly, managers did all day. As far as I could tell, the non-managers were doing the meat of our work so what was the value and contribution of that other role? Then I spent 10 years as a supervisor then a manager, continually striving to do the job justice. I made a lot of mistakes, and I got a lot of things right. I learned not only how to be a better manager, but how to be a more understanding and compassionate colleague and human. There's a lesson I take with me into all my future work, whether I am a manager again or not: If your boss is any good, they've - thought about how to assist your career goals - lost sleep wondering if they're doing well - supported you or your peers through hard personal t

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