Death to PowerPoint

I’m not the first to say it, nor will I be the last. But by all that is good and holy – death to Powerpoint.
There is nothing inherently wrong with Powerpoint, it’s merely a tool and therefore it’s use or misuse is in the hands of the person using it. But this tool is so commonly abused, I think I’d rather just declare it software-a non grata and forgo the one time in a hundred when it would be valuable.
I dream of meetings where we have conversations and dialogue instead of presenting at each other. I dream of organizations that realize our highly educated staff can read. I dream of speakers who know their material, are passionate about it, and use that passion to engage their audience.
Someday, when I am king, I’ll issue three index cards per presentation, the lights meeting room lights will stay on, and the projectors will become obsolete.


  1. "The road to hell is paved with Powerpoint Presentations," as they say.

    First and foremost, Suzanne, great posts so far. I hope you keep it up, I'm really enjoying your take on things.

    I was actually thinking of Creatively Saying Yes the other day - a speaker at the CGE Leadership Summit was telling a story about authorities in Niagara. Against a bylaw prohibiting stunts, they allowed a tightrope walker to cross the falls. They pitched it not as a stunt but as "a rare celebration of the pre-bylaw rich history of daredevils" to avoid setting precedent.


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