My leadership commitments

I read a lot of books and articles about management and leadership. About a year ago, I picked up one called One Piece of Paper by Mike Figliuolo. Unlike many of these books, this one doesn't seek to tell you how to do leadership or management. Instead, you are guided though an exploration of your own leadership - your values, intentions, priorities, and lessons. The intention is to help you clarify and define your own approach and the reasons behind it.

This isn't a "sit down and read it" book instead it's a workbook, and to do it well is a lot of work. This is why I've been working on it for a year. It challenged me to figure out what I'm passionate about in my work, how I hold myself accountable, etc. It's been a bit of an interative process, to question myself increasingly deeply, trying to figure out how to articlate all the jumble that is who I am, where I'm going, and how I am going to get there. But what a valuable exercise.

I've reached a point where I've started sharing what I've learned. Talking about it helps me understand more deeply, it offers insight to the people with whom I work most closely, and increases accountability. It's harder to wiggle out of an intention you've shared with your closest circle than one you just thought to yourself.

I've decided to use this space to work on this further. By writing about it I hope to further develop my thinking, and to get better at clearly articulating it to others. If you're interested, you'll be able to find my relevant posts through the "my leadership commitments" tag. I'd also love to hear your thoughts, questions, and experiences. Leave comments, or tweet me @PSSuzanne, or write your own post and send me the link.


  1. I was thinking about Leading from Here the other day. And I'm glad it's going to be a more common sight. Look forward to reading!


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