“Analyst & Influencer”

I’ve recently started a short-term assignment as an analyst in a work unit responsible for “business process management”. Our unit isn’t directly responsible for delivering the program, but we provide support and analysis for the people who do. In practice it's part statistical analysis, part policy work, part facilitating process development and a whole lot of writing.

Following 5 years as an operational line manager, this is a significant shift. I’m used to being “in charge”, a decision maker. While my normal approach is collaborative and coaching with my staff, I’ve always had the authority to fall back on; at the end of the day, I can (and must) decide the way forward. This job is different. The operational managers will make decisions about how best to deliver the program. My role is to support, to influence, to coax and prod. Now my clients are internal and it’s a whole different dynamic.

Have you made a shift between direct operational responsibility and more of a supportive or influential role? What did you see as the gifts and the challenges of each?


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